
“We can’t just sit back and wait for feedback to be offered, particularly when we’re in a leadership role. If we want feedback to take root in the culture, we […]

6 Do’s and Don’ts of Performance Reviews


An informal poll of clients I serve shows that at least 27% of nonprofit leaders aren’t receiving a review by the board – YIKES!  Worse yet, research by Gallup shows that […]

Building Scaffolding for your Freedom

building scaffolding

You can often catch me saying “Hope is not a strategy” and “structure gives you freedom” What do these KariCatchPhrases actually mean? It means that when you do the hard […]


nonprofit board member meeting

I have a pop quiz for you today. Surprise! What the heck is the purpose of a board self-assessment? A:   To ensure that boards are fulfilling their duties and responsibilities. […]

Take the EWWW Out From Performance Review


Employee performance appraisal systems (the dreaded annual review) tend to get a bad rap. After all, who hasn’t heard about — or experienced — a bad performance appraisal? At worst, an annual review can feel like an ambush, a morale killer or a complete waste of time for staff. But when we do this correctly, effective performance appraisals can empower your team and improve your group’s ability to fulfill its mission.

Yes, Evaluate Your Board!

Why Board Evaluation? “A strong, vibrant board of directors is a clear indicator of a healthy organization. Yet even the best organizations need a periodic check-up to ensure that they […]