Sometimes, running a nonprofit feels a little like the Wild West – and the rules around leadership, strategy and fundraising aren’t clear. Each day may be a challenge where you encounter new new obstacles, welcome surprises, and the completely unexpected.
Get in touch with Kari today to have more than twenty years of professional experience at your side as you serve your community, work toward your mission and build your nonprofit from the inside out.
With Kari's expertise, uncover streamlined operational strategies, execute impactful fundraising initiatives, and chart a course for a sustainable future for your nonprofit organization.
Kari injects her presentations with a blend of executive insight and board member expertise, coupled with a refreshing dose of innovation, enthusiasm, and authenticity.
Kari brings firsthand experience to your role, having served in various capacities within nonprofit organizations – from staffer and fundraiser to executive director and board member.
Focusing on the education, development and design of leadership at the head of 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.
Emphasis on the training, growth and participation of the people, staff and the community standing beside leadership.
Centering on long-term goals, long-term planning and major goals to support an organization’s mission.
Join Kari every month as she shares insider secrets to creating, managing and driving your nonprofit organization to success.
Follow Kari as she travels around the world helping save nonprofits. Tune in to her live webinars and learn practical tips on all things nonprofit.
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