Contingency plan. Lots of people (read: your colleagues) don’t think about this until they need one. Let me guess- you might have needed one in the last 3 months?

I’m not going to say they are the most fun part of running a non-profit. It usually requires thinking about and dealing with a doomsday scenario. But what’s worse is getting to the day after doomsday without a path forward.

Here are a few ways you can make progress toward a usable and flexible contingency plan so that your nonprofit is prepared to pivot when the time comes.

Who is involved?

What should you do?

Some events that might require a contingency plan:

Remember this

You don’t have to have the answers in your contingency plan, you just have to have a path to make decisions and prioritize important actions when the you-know-what hits the you-know-what.

Need help getting started with contingency planning? Contact me for a 30-minute call and we’ll take the first steps together. Looking for guidance during this weird COVID-19 world? Purchase Incite! Consulting’s Pivot Package and add contingency planning as your Wild Card service.